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Global Child Nutrition Forum

The Global Child Nutrition Forum is a learning exchange and technical assistance conference held annually to support countries in the development and implementation of sustainable school feeding programs. Since 1997, the annual Global Child Nutrition Forum has united leaders from developing countries for five days of intensive training, technical assistance and planning, all directed toward establishing country-operated sustainable school feeding programs. By sharing their insights, experiences, and challenges, an informal worldwide alliance of leaders dedicated to advancing school feeding has evolved. As a result, the Forum has become a global catalyst for school feeding development.

Organized by Global Child Nutrition Foundation and The WFP/Centre of Excellence against Hunger, the Forum brings together those interested in school feeding and child nutrition programs, including representatives of government offices, companies, international organizations, NGOs, academic institutions, and many others. The Forum encourages open dialogue and the sharing of experiences, best practices, lessons, challenges, and options to sustainably support nutritious, home-grown school meal programs. It is hosted in a different country each year, affording participants the opportunity to visit local schools and see one another’s programs in action. Past Forums have taken place in the U.S., Ghana, South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Brazil, and Cabo Verde. Upon returning home, participants serve as resources in their countries and often for neighboring countries developing school feeding programs.

2021 Forum – Virtual Conference

Around the world, child nutrition champions are stepping up to advocate for school meal programs that ensure children, their families, and their communities thrive. Never before have there been so many opportunities to support, learn about, build, and improve school meal programs.

In support of the many important conversations, webinars, meetings, and events planned for the school feeding network this year, GCNF will not be hosting a Virtual Global Child Nutrition Forum in 2021. Instead, we are strongly encouraging our Forum community to join us at our community partner events.

Global Child Nutrition Forum Archives

2020 Forum – Virtual Conference

In light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the 22nd Annual Global Child Nutrition Forum was held virtually in a series of related events from 26 October through 12 November 2020. 

2019 Forum – Siem Reap, Cambodia

The 21st Annual Global Child Nutrition Forum took place December 2-6, 2019 in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Organized annually by the Global Child Nutrition Foundation (GCNF) and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Centre of Excellence against Hunger, for the first time in its history, the Forum was held in the Southeast Asia region, which was made possible thanks to the Kingdom of Cambodia Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport, serving as the host organization.

This five-day event brought together 357 leaders representing 70 countries, hailing from the political, humanitarian, community and institutional realms.

2018 Forum – Tunis, Tunisia

The 20th Annual Global Child Nutrition Forum took place October 21-25, 2018 in Tunis, Tunisia. The 2018 Forum theme was National School Meal Programs for Food and Nutrition Security and Multiple Social Benefits.

Organized annually by the Global Child Nutrition Foundation (GCNF) and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Centre of Excellence against Hunger, for the first time in its history, the Forum was held in the Middle East North Africa region, which was made possible thanks to the Government of the Republic of Tunisia, serving as the host organization, and the WFP Tunisia Country Office supporting the organization of the event.

This five-day event brought together 363 leaders, including 197 women, representing 61 countries, hailing from the political, humanitarian, community and institutional realms.

2017 Forum – Montréal, Canada

The 19th Annual Global Child Nutrition Forum took place September 17-21, 2017 in Montréal, Canada. The 2017 Forum theme was Bridge to Sustainable Development through School Meal Programs: Engaging Local, National, Regional, and Global Communities.

Organized annually by the Global Child Nutrition Foundation (GCNF) and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Centre of Excellence against Hunger, for the first time in its history, the Forum was held on Canadian soil, which was made possible thanks to the Breakfast Club of Canada, serving as the host organization.

This five-day event brought together nearly 300 leaders, representing 59 countries, hailing from the political, humanitarian, community and institutional realms.