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Education and Nutrition:
Reaching Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic

With over 1.5 billion learners affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, many countries are struggling to ensure children continue to receive a nutritious meal.

GCNF is hosting a series of interactive webinars for government officials and their implementing partners to discuss strategies for addressing school meal program disruptions in the short-term, how they’ll continue in the future, how to re-start programs, and more. GCNF will convene researchers, corporate partners, and other implementers to discuss their experience.

How Partners are Safely Getting Food to School-age Children and Their Families

Through this session, GCNF highlights what our partners are doing in this space to ensure governments avoid reinventing the wheel and can quickly adapt practices to local context.

How to Make Alternative Feeding Modalities Sustainable and Safe for the Duration of the Crisis

Through this session, GCNF will share best practices, possible roadblocks, and other opportunities to continue school feeding and complementary programs for schools that do not plan to re-open in the near future.

School Meals in the Time of COVID-19: Impact and Responses in India

This session delves into the Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDM) implementation by State Governments during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. MDM leaders from Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh will share their experiences in a moderated plenary discussion. 

Hear from Donald Bundy, Professor of Epidemiology and Development, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, author of over 390 scientific books and publications on the role of public health in development.

School Meals in the Time of COVID-19 - Re-opening Safely in India

This session brings together school feeding experts from the non-profit sector (The Akshaya Patra Foundation), private sector (Tetra Pak India Pvt Limited) and the public private sector (Tata Trusts). This panel will deliberate over each sector’s roles and best practices in augmenting government guidelines for safe food provisioning during the pandemic and after schools reopen. 

Hear from Ms. Inoshi Sharma, Director, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, and Dr Shariqua Yunus, Nutrition Specialist, UN World Food Programme India, on the importance of food safety and hygiene in schools in the new normal.