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Infographics and Tools

The Global Survey of School Meal Programs © resources are designed to equip people in the global school meal network to share key findings from the report and advocate for changes in policy, planning and practice. When we work together, more children around the world can learn, thrive, and be nourished.

Key Messages

School Feeding: A Path to Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic
By investing in school feeding programs, countries make transformative human capital investments, ensuring children are well-nourished and ready to learn to fulfill their potential as healthy, skilled, and productive adults. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical to advocate for school feeding now, as a path to recovery and to safeguard our children’s future.

School Nutrition: Bridging the First 1,000 Days to 8,000 Days
School feeding is a powerful tool that ensures the health and nutrition investments made in the first 1,000 days of life are sustained through childhood and adolescence.

School Meals Can Transform the Food System
School meal programs can catalyze transformation in the food system by creating demand for safe, nutritious, sustainably produced, and affordable foods. School feeding can shift the paradigm towards a food systems approach that prioritizes the nutritional needs of children and adolescents.

Social Media Toolkit

2021 Survey announcement posts

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New @GCNFoundation Report School Meal Programs Around the World. #Schoolfeeding is an investment in our children, economic recovery, and a better #foodsystem. Read the full report here:

2021 Survey insights posts

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#Didyouknow #schoolfeeding coverage is lowest where needs are the greatest. The #COVID19 pandemic has made that need even greater to ensure children are well nourished and ready to learn, as a path to recovery and to safeguard our children’s future.

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#Schoolfeeding investments are #humancapital investments. Ensuring #childhealth and #nutrition secures and multiplies ROI on education investments. #Didyouknow #schoolmeal programs meet education, nutrition, health, safety net, and agriculture objectives?

2021 Infographics

School Meal Programs Around
the World

School Meal Programs in Latin America & the Caribbean

School Meal Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa

2019 Social Media Toolkit

2019 Survey insights posts

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#Didyouknow #schoolfeeding coverage is lowest where needs are the greatest. The #COVID19 pandemic has made that need even greater to ensure children are well nourished and ready to learn, as a path to recovery and to safeguard our children’s future.

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#Schoolfeeding investments are #humancapital investments. Ensuring #childhealth and #nutrition secures and multiplies ROI on education investments. #Didyouknow #schoolmeal programs meet education, nutrition, health, safety net, and agriculture objectives?

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Low-income countries are more reliant on foreign food aid, but a locally sourced #schoolfeeding menu improves #fooddiversity and #nutrition, while promoting economic development and government ownership. An important component of any #schoolfeeding program is a diverse menu containing essential micro- and macronutrients.

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Harnessing the buying power of government #schoolfeeding programs could have a powerful and positive effect on global #foodsystems by expanding the local agricultural economy, and encouraging production of more nutritious foods for children and their families.
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Especially where access to affordable, nutritious food is limited, #schoolmeals that include #fortified and #biofortified foods ensure children are getting the vitamins and minerals needed to thrive and support more nutritious #foodsystems.
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The school health and nutrition package increases the efficacy and benefits of #schoolmeals and complementary interventions.
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The pandemic has revealed how critical #schoolfeeding programs are as a safety net, especially during emergencies.
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#Schoolfeeding programs can drive inclusive economic growth by supporting local agriculture, creating jobs, and empowering women and youth.
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Survey participants around the world celebrated #schoolmeals for improved education outcomes, healthier diets, and appreciation for locally produced foods.
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Communities support #schoolfeeding programs because it supports their children.

2019 Infographics

School Meals Enhance Human Capital

School Meals Drive Inclusive Economic Growth

School Meals Provide and Promote Nutrition

School Meals for Lifelong Health

School Meal Programs Can Transform the Food System

Fortification and Biofortification to Meet Children's Nutritional Needs